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Annual level:
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Don't trust the Internet? Can't stand credit cards? Does your organization (or you?) want to make a large contribution or one that matches reader contributions?
How to support The Tyee without ever touching your keyboard.
Option 1: Register with your credit card by phone:
Call 604-689-7489 in Vancouver or toll-free at 1-844-301-6677, Monday - Friday, 10 am - 5 pm PST.
Option 2: Send us a cheque:
Cheques can be made out to The Tyee and mailed to:
The Tyee
PO Box 28187
West Pender St
Vancouver, BC V6C 3T7
Please include with your cheque your full name, return address, phone number and email, plus indicate whether you would like your contribution to remain anonymous. If you'd like to contribute monthly from your bank account, print off this form and follow the instructions.
How to set-up larger and matching contributions:
Would your organization or business be interested in making a larger contribution? You can do so by cheque as outlined above, or if you're interested in offering a matching contribution, give us a shout. Matching contributions can really help ramp up a campaign, and your organization gets great exposure as a supporter of independent journalism in the process. If this is you, contact us by email or phone (604-689-7409).